Move Your Body

Hey everyone! I hope you’re all having a great summer so far! Just wanted to give you some more advice on how to stay healthy while you’re enjoying you’re time off from school.

Stay physically active. You can eat all the healthy food you want, but that’s only half the equation. Keeping your body in motion is just as important to your health as eating right. Here are a few tips for doing this on a budget:

  1. Join a gym. Now I know that doesn’t sound cheap, but a lot of gyms offer summer-only memberships, and they’re a lot cheaper than year-long memberships. Call around to the gyms in your area and see if you can set something up. Or if you live close to your college campus, see if they have a summer membership rate. That’s what I did, and I get to work out for the whole summer for $35! What a bargain!
  2. Go to the park. Open air. Sunshine. And it’s FREE. Go to the park and walk around the track with a friend, take a bike ride, or play a couple of pick up games. I know that one of my favorite things to do in the summer is play basketball and soccer with my friends at our local parks. Not only is it fun, but it’s a great way to stay in shape.
  3. Enroll in a class. Whether it’s yoga, kickboxing, or Zumba, many community centers offer fitness classes on a pay-as-you-come basis. Call around to the local churches and community centers to see what they have to offer. Working out with a group is often way easier and way more fun than doing it by yourself.

For more exciting ways to stay in shape over the summer, check out this article,  or just leave a comment below, and I’d be happy to help you out.

Remember, You Are What You Eat!

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