Healthy Memorial Day Tradition

Happy Memorial Day Weekend everyone! I hope you all have festive plans for this patriotic holiday, and if you do, they probably involve a cookout or two. Here are my tips for making your Memorial Day cookout a healthy, fun success!

  1. Appetizers – Instead of the usual potato chips and dip, opt for a healthier tortilla chips and salsa. Tortilla chips have less fat and calories than potato chips, and they don’t leave that greasy residue on your fingers like potato chips do. And what’s not to love about salsa? It’s made of loads of fruits and veggies, it’s typically low-calorie, and it comes in all sorts of fun, tasty, and spicy flavors and combinations. Pick up some pre-made salsa at the grocery store or follow these recipes and make your own!
  2. Sides – Try centering your sides around a vegetable or a fruit, like offering grilled asparagus and baked potatoes. Also, add a colorful fruit salad with apples, bananas, oranges, and grapes. Try to steer clear of coleslaws that are loaded up with unhealthy amounts of mayonnaise.
  3. The Main Event – One of my favorite cookout items is chicken skewers, or chicken kabobs. Chicken is leaner than red meat, and you can add flavors to it by marinating it before cooking. Also, you can load up the skewers with some delicious zucchini, yellow squash, and onions to add flavor, nutrition, and color to your delicious dish. Check out these yummy chicken kabob recipes and get creative!

And there you have it. Just a few suggestions on how to make your holiday cookout a little healthier for everyone. If you’re going to a friend’s cookout, feel free to bring any of these dishes to add to the buffet. Your friends will appreciate your contribution, and you can make sure that there are some healthier options available. Have a happy Memorial Day!

Remember, You Are What You Eat!

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